Sunday 14 September 2014

Assignment 5

Assignment 5

Stage 1 Reviewing you work so far.

What approach to drawing works best for you?

I looked through my work and the drawings from still life and photos seem to work best for me. I am quite a slow drawer that likes to be quite precise about the drawing so this way of drawing suits this.

What materials and ways of working do you enjoy most?

Looking through my work I found that starting from a drawing from a still life or photograph and then developing the image for this point works well for me. I enjoy starting the drawing in paint and then developing the drawing using other materials from here. I generally use any material that suits the image I am working on.

Which way of developing ideas has proved most fruitful?

I feel that developing a piece of work from photocopies from phots worked well in assignment 2 and I feel that I enjoyed working on textures in assignment 3 and these also worked well.

Which textile technique appeals to you most?

Looking through my work I feel that I enjoyed printing on fabric and recreating textures using material.

I feel overall that the printed design in assignment 2 worked well and I really enjoyed this project, but I do not feel that I will have enough time to do printing in this project. If I had enough time I would like to combine this with stitching.


I looked through my sketch books and I didn’t find anything that I wanted to use for this project. I had a good think and I thought I would do a project on my favourite place the beach. I felt that there would be a lot of texture to work from and movement of the sea. Once I had visited the beach a few times and collected some objects from the beach I arranged them on my board to create a mood bored to give me inspiration.

I did some drawing from these images above.

I then looked at the images and chose this little painting to work from as it has a lot of texture to work from. I loved the movement and spray of the sea.

 did another drawing from this image using masking fluid. I felt that this image would make a good printed design.

From the painting I came up with some ideas for a wall hanging that I could develop. I found a piece from an artist called Ana Teresa Barzona her work spilled over the side of the frame and I wanted to bring an element of this to my piece also I want to bring in the transparent element to my work that I used in a previous assignment. I worked on a few samples and then put together a story board.

I then started on the finished piece. The sown stones took longer than I thought they would.


I can see a clear line of progression from start to the finished piece, if I had more time I would have like to experiment more. I could have work from the photograph more photocopying them and work from that. I did a masking fluid drawing and I feel that would have made a good design for a piece of fabric and so at some point I would like to develop this further.

I feel that a printed fabric design would have been better but I ran out of time and didn’t have time to develop a printed fabric this time round. I enjoyed making the finish piece but the stone were a bit arduous as it seemed to take ages!

I do like my finished piece but I would have like to have more time developing the background as I feel that it was a bit weak. I feel if I had more time I would like to work on it a bit more and make it tidier.