Thursday 28 May 2015

Assignment 5

I got my tutors comments back for assignment 5 and agreed with all that she said about my work. I was rushed and did not have enough time to complete the project to the standard that I want to. I relooked at the work that I did and looked at my past projects again and decided that I needed to redo my final assignment bringing in parts and techniques that I used in past projects that worked for me. I did not have time to redo and do many extra samples but I could look at samples that I used in previous assignments.

I re-looked at the photos I took at the beach and was interested in the wash of the sea. I did some drawings.

From the drawings I looked at turning it into a repeat design that could be printed. When looking at my previous work I identified that screen printing was one of my most successful projects and one
that I really enjoyed so I wanted to make this part of my final work. Here is one of my design that I worked on.

I used paper stencils as it was the easiest way of printing the design I wanted as there was lots of shapes that needed. I cut them out individually and then pined then to by cotton fabric. I used a sponge insead of a squeegee as I wanted the texture that putting the fabric paint on gave.

I then quilted the design. I chose to do this as the beach means a lot to me. I was born on an island and spent a lot of my child hood at the beach and also now take my children to the beach so it has a lot of memories. This made me think of memory quilts that are handed down in families and I wanted to recreate a version of this using my feeling and memories of the sea.
In the white areas of the design I sewed fabric to give it texture.


Then I used wool felted to the design to add shine and swirls to recreate movement I also pined crochet string to this areas to add a contrast of textures. I gave it a hessian boarder as I felt it worked well as the beach, sand and stones. Also I feel that it would be a nice area to add any future pieces of work of memories from the beach giving it more memory of time at the beach with my family.  

I am glad I re did my final piece as I feel that this piece is a stronger design and reflect more my of my feelings of the sea. I feel that I it is a piece that could be added to over time and handed down to my children to add their memories, which is what I was trying to achieve in this piece.
This assignment has taken me a long time to pull together as over the last couple of years there was a lot going on in my life that had to be priority other my course work. I am glad that I have finally finished the course and that I produce a final piece that I am happy with.